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The main function is the bridge lighting project characteristics of urban lighting manufacturers

Release Date:2023-07-04 00:00:00 Author: Click:

In the life of the city, the bridge is a very common thing, we often see the bridge lighting design at night is very beautiful. Bridge is an important part of road traffic, bridge night lighting is to meet the illumination and uniformity required by vehicle functional lighting, but also to meet the needs of bridge landscape lighting, the main shape of the bridge in the night lighting is given a specific artistic taste, and the river echoes in the night more agile.

Although the design of bridge landscape has something in common with architectural landscape design, its huge volume and banded pattern make the landscape have some laws of its own. For example, bridge landscape tends to be a bright belt, while the climax of bridge art, such as bridge towers and abutments, can form highlights. This landscape pattern combining points and lines can better reflect the personality and essential beauty of Bridges. The light color of the bridge landscape not only has the characteristics of soft landscape, but also the lamp is an important hard landscape of the bridge floor, and the information conveyed by the lamp shape is an important aspect of the expression of the bridge landscape concept.



Bridge engineering is a typical structure logic, the performance of the structure, the continuity of the road is the correct way of bridge lighting design, and the deviation from the structure of the decorative practice can not produce further affinity with the bridge, should be excluded and cautious. Therefore, when illuminating the bridge, the main means should be to show the fluency of the main structure and the structural mechanical relationship. The general practice is to use linear light source for continuous bridge rendering.

The bridge lighting project of the city lighting manufacturers is functional priority, for the walking of people and vehicles, functional lighting is an important position, comfortable, identifiable, safe lighting is the fundamental starting point of bridge lighting. The traditional practice is to use equidistant arrangement of pole lighting, or to set a high pole lamp more than 20 meters.

If the lamps with regional style can reflect the pursuit of culture in the bridge landscape, the modern architectural landscape design puts forward the concept of the integration of buildings and lamps, and the bridge landscape should be the same. Whether it is ornamental lamps, such as street lights, or hidden lamps, such as floodlights, should be considered at the beginning of the bridge design, and become a whole with the bridge landscape, to avoid the completion of the bridge, outdoor lighting project lamps become a burden on the landscape.





Twenty-one years focus on outdoor lighting massive projects to witness our pride has been all over the motherland


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